The prey

I exited the taxi, my heart pounding with excitement and nerves.

"Спасибо," I thanked the driver. But instead of a friendly response, he waved his hand dismissively before snatching the bills from my fingers like a seagull swooping down on a French fry. Rude much.

Shrugging off the coldness, both literal and figurative, I focused on the task at hand—$ 10,000. The deal was a potential game-changer.

I looked at the location Kyle sent me and frowned. This area seemed somewhat... isolated from the city, and chillingly shady in more ways than one. The address led me to a remote spot, with nothing but a single mansion standing in the middle of the land covered with snow.

A shiver ran down my spine as I neared, not just from the cold. There was an eerie stillness in the air, broken only by the distant howl of the wind. Goosebumps prickled my skin as an unexplainable sense of dread settled over me making me clutch the jacket tighter.

My eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before me. A large, white and gold glided, two-story mansion with a domed roof stood grandly amidst a vast, snow-covered park, adorned with countless trees that seemed to bow in reverence to the grandeur of the mansion. The park lay beneath a flawless quilt of snow.

Surrounding the palace were several other buildings, including a smaller, one-story structure with a distinctive red roof.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and a shiver down my spine at the sight. Seriously, who in their right mind would pick a place like this to live? Was he trying to audition for a horror show or just really into extreme hide-and-seek?

Clutching onto my cross-body bag tighter, I dusted the snow off my jacket and walked towards the iron gates. Confusedly I looked around. There was no one at the gate. How do I enter?

"HELLO?!" I called out looking inside through the gaps between the rails. When no one came, I pulled out my phone and dialled Kyle's number. Jeez.

He picked it up after two rings. "I'm at the gate," I said in Russian.

He didn't even say anything and cut the call. I looked at the phone in confusion, my mouth open wide. Did he just... hang up? Did that mean...I was...rejected even before trying?

Nah, this couldn't be it. He just told me to come and meet, he wouldn't ghost me, right?

"Ms. Rosewood." A yelp escaped my lips as I jumped back. For hell's sake! Was he here all along?

My heart skipped a beat as I looked over my shoulder and saw the man standing behind me. His jet-black hair fell over the sides of his face, partially hidden behind the tilted umbrella. I sized him up with suspicious eyes, noting the black suit that covered him from head to toe, devoid of any other colour. A gold watch gleamed on his wrist, the same hand holding the umbrella, his fingers adorned with rings of skulls and thorns. I gulped, feeling a mix of unease and nervousness.

Another realisation hit me, he just called me by my name. He must be Kyle. 

"Oh, hi," I mumbled, taking a cautious step back as Kyle's piercing gaze bore into me. His umbrella tilted, revealing eyes as dark as coal, yet sharp as daggers.

"Kyle Molotov," he dusted off my doubts, his voice low and commanding, sending a chill down my spine. Oh...

Suppressing a shiver, I extended my hand with a nervous smile. "Seraphina..." I managed, my voice wavering slightly without my own control. 

His eyes flicked down to my hand and then back up to meet mine, but something was unsettling in his stare. "You're not Russian," he commented with a hint of disbelief. I swallowed hard, feeling a knot form in my stomach. My hold on the bag tightened. 

"No," Kyle responded tersely with a nod, his silence more intimidating than any words could be. He gave me a thorough look up and down, making me squirm under his scrutiny.

Summoning up every ounce of courage, I forced a smile. "But I can speak Russian very well!" I blurted out, cringing inwardly at the sound of my own voice, which resembled a dying hyena more than a confident job applicant. He better not reject me, because if he did, I'd... start crying. I needed this damn job! 

"Language is not a problem, Ms. Rosewood," Kyle finally spoke, breaking the tense silence that hung between us. He motioned towards the gates. "You can come in."

I nodded, feeling a mix of trepidation as I followed him through the gates. The snow-covered lawn and garden stretched out before me, serene yet eerily beautiful-something I'd roll on. My eyes were caught by the giant statue positioned in the middle of the lawn, its features obscured by the thick layer of snow.

I could make out the silhouette of a woman as we drew closer, her face frozen in fear. My heart skipped a beat when I noticed the marble serpent wrapped around her waist, its sinuous form slithering threateningly towards her neck. The face of the snake was twisted into a menacing snarl, its eyes seeming to follow my every move.

I recoiled, a shiver of unease rippling through my core. Why would someone build such a disturbing statue in their home? What did it even mean?

I shook my head, thinking it wasn't my place to judge. If he wanted a statue of a naked woman, that was his business. I was just here to earn some money, and it's not like I could do anything about it anyway.

As I followed Kyle, I did my best to push the image of the sculpture out of my mind. He led us up the stairs, and then the large doors swung open as he pressed a button on the wall and damn when I say rich does know where to put their money. Cause if that's what I'd wake up to every day, I'd be sleeping in the living room forever.

"Please wait here," I hummed dismissing him completely as he disappeared somewhere, taken over by the lavishness.

Wow, this place was like something out of an ancient movie. The chandelier alone was probably worth more than my entire existence. And those frescoes on the ceiling? Talk about fancy.

The staircase was straight out of a fairy tale, with its gold-trimmed rails and plush red carpeting. And those windows? Floor-to-ceiling, framed in gold, and draped in the richest burgundy fabric I've ever seen.

The furniture was straight-up regal, with that velvet settee and those towering potted plants. And don't even get me started.... the marble floors and that stunning rug. It's like walking on a work of art.

I felt like I'd stepped into a whole other world, and honestly, I was not sure if I'd ever want to leave.

After a while, he emerged, without an umbrella this time. I couldn't help but notice his tall, muscular frame as he descended the stairs. With a slight bow, he gestured to me. "You can come with me," he said quietly.

Excitement bubbled within me as I followed him up the stairs, practically dancing in my head with anticipation. "How old is the child?" I asked, recalling that the advertisement had mentioned nothing beyond the need for a caretaker. Perhaps the owners of this mansion were too busy to tend to their children and needed someone to help them. Despite my lack of experience, I was confident I could handle the job well.

Kyle went quiet for a moment, looking tense before he seemed to relax. "He can walk," he finally said cautiously. We walked down hallways with fancy gold and white decorations. I couldn't help but wonder if anyone would notice if I stole a gold vase.

"Oh, good," I sighed in relief. "Toddlers can get handsy sometimes. What's his name?"

Kyle suddenly turned right, and I had to hurry to keep up with his long strides. "Judas," he answered flatly.

"Judas..." I repeated quietly, feeling like I had heard that name somewhere. "I hope he's nice."

He chuckled and then mumbled. "Very," The first emotion he showed in half an hour except for his cold glare and stoic face. And why did it sound like he was mocking me? 

I frowned, but before I could think about it, he abruptly turned around, making me jump back a little.

"Before you go in, Ms. Rosewood, there are some things you need to keep in mind," His voice lowered, and deliberatively deepened his eyes bored into me. "The person inside that room is the one you will take care of. Unfortunately, due to an accident, he is left with impaired vision, he cannot see." My heart skipped a beat. Blind? "Whatever happens in that room, stays in that room, are we clear, Ms Rosewood?"

I was paralysed, not knowing what to say. All I could feel was pity for whoever was in that room. A child losing the means to explore this world, how cruel God can be sometimes. The news was unexpected; I didn't imagine the child I would be taking care of would be vulnerable. It just made me hug them and console them.

A new wave of determination washed over me. I nodded with much more force than intended. "I understand."

Kyle gave me his infamous look and then reciprocated my nod.

I waited as he knocked on the door. Two times.

"девушка здесь," Kyle said in Russian.

"Пусть она войдет,"

The voice that came from the other side of the door gave me sudden goosebumps. It was low and sleepy, and definitely not one that belonged to a child—unless the child had somehow matured his vocal cords.

"Go in," Kyle stepped away from the door and bobbed his head. "The child is in,"

I swallowed hard, suddenly not wanting to go in. He said child, but I feared that my assumptions would go to Pacific. Anyway, it was too late to back now. I was here for a job.

The door opened quietly and a soft, dim light illuminated the room. I stepped in. Breaths caught in my throat. My heart pounding in my ears. The door closed behind me with a small thud, and I jumped startled.

Swallowing down the nervousness, I took a look around. It was not a bedroom, but a large room bifurcated into an office and a mini-lounge. My nostrils twitched. Among the scent of leather and patchouli everywhere, there was a strong smell of tobacco mixed in it, but beyond that, there was a heavy odour of Oud. Somehow, it reminded me of the forest behind my house in Texas. So familiar yet distant. Something I was always scared to explore. Wild beasts and deadly creatures resided there.

And this moment it felt like I was going into that forest. 

Something flickered in my periphery, my body instinctively moved on its own. Eyes narrowed in confusion and unconsciously my hold on the bag tightened. I could see silhouettes of furniture against the dim light, but it was hard to notice any detail except for the strong presence that quickly grabbed my attention. 

A man was sitting with his legs crossed on the leather couch-his frame dark against the dim light coming through the small lamp behind him. Swallowing the growing anticipation, I took a step forward, the light now falling on his face, and at this angle, I could bathe in his frame. 

His lips curled gently while looking in the direction of where I was standing.

He was wearing a dark robe, which was wide open, and his toned muscles peeked through. My eyes caught the colourful ink adorning the side of his neck stopping just behind his ear. It was difficult to identify the patterns but I could definitely recognise the shape of the fangs. is tousled hair added to his dishevelled- almost predatory look, making him appear both alluring and dangerous.

He had categorically distant facial features. A light, barely there, stubble enhanced his sheer masculinity. A cigarette between his lips, and I resisted the urge to recoil at the odour. On the other hand, it was hard to tell the colour of his eyes, resembling that of a predator. Feral, dangerous, and calculating. 

I felt like a prey animal walking towards its demise. I tried my best not to feel intimidated and offered a small smile.

I couldn't shake the feeling that I was walking into the cave of a wild beast. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this breathtakingly beautiful man suddenly transformed into a wolf and killed me.

And to my dismay or whatever we call it, there was no child in the room. I started to believe that Kyle lied to me because this man was definitely looking directly at me. Therefore, he couldn't be blind. His eyes were anything but unwavering. He appeared anything but vulnerable.

I stopped approximately ten steps away from him, a small table creating a boundary between us. He dragged in a puff and pulled the cigarette away from his lips, blowing the smoke. His dark silhouette appeared more feral, cloaked in the swirling tendrils of smoke. 

I wasn't usually one to judge a book by its cover. But with this man, I couldn't help but make assumptions based on his appearance, he was... different

As I began to sit on the chair, that low and sleepy voice called out, "Come closer." He said in English, and I gulped. I watched as he spread his arms over the back of the couch and tilted his head back, his eyes shutting.

I stilled and looked around, reluctantly walking forward two or three more steps before stopping again. His grin did not falter, instead, it widened. And I watched him raising his hand and curling his two fingers beckoning me closer. "Closer,"

Damn, his voice! What did he have to sound so intimidating? Against my wish, I was just following whatever he was saying.

Finally, when I was only two steps away, I sat on the chair just adjacent to his and spoke. "I guess you wouldn't want me to come closer than this, sir,"

Opening his eyes, he leaned forward in his seat and got closer to my face. Then he placed the back of his cigarette under my jaw. 

"Wha..." I began, but as he leaned forward, the dim light fell completely on his face, and I forgot the rhythm of my heartbeat. The light edged his features, making them appear sharp, accentuating the intensity of his gaze.

"How old are you?" I looked wide-eyed at him.

"T... Twenty-two, sir...." I stammered, feeling a surge of discomfort as he drew closer, his breath warm against my cheek. Attempting to put some distance between us, I shifted in my seat, but he was quick to stop me with his other hand, preventing any escape.

See, this man couldn't be blind. 

His fingertips were soft, but the palm of his hand wasn't. Firm calluses rubbed my cheek as his thumb touched the corner of my lips. While he was touching my face, I kept my eyes closed tightly.

"What's your name?" He asked in his raspy voice. 

"Seraphina, sir. Seraphina Rosewood." I clutched my bag tighter. 

He dropped his hand after I had finished answering his questions.

"Judas Romanovski," he dragged in another puff.

I swallowed hard. "I'm sorry, but I just... wanted to know if you're the one...I'm supposed to take care of?"

"Do you see any other disabled person here, Ms. Rosewood?"

I took a deep breath and backed away a little bit. I started to question his blindness even more, but he would certainly not hire me if I asked about it. There was no way he was blind. How could he be when he was piercing me with his eyes alone?

Moreover, I couldn't help but be struck by his beauty, even amidst the current situation. Should I compare him to a snake with a predatory gaze or the moment the charcoal began to glow scarlet red in the middle of a pile of ash? 

It was hard to find the correct words to describe this man's beauty. I felt that if I looked away, he would simply pounce.

Recalling Kyle's warning to not ask unnecessary questions, I silently waited for him to request something of me.

The man was touching his lips with the same fingers he had just used to touch me before he pointed to the table behind him.

"Go to the table, and grab the contract."

Following his directions, I located the contract but stilled when I saw a pile of cash and gold bricks carelessly placed on the table. Ignoring it, I walked back to the couch and presented it to him, I noticed that the contract was in Russian.


"Third page, fifth para, second line, read it."


"I simply asked you to read the line, Ms. Rosewood. Is it that hard?"

"H... Yes, sir." I flipped the pages and stopped at the third page. Without my glasses, it was hard to read the words but I somehow did. "Party B can not..." I cleared my throat, the contract feeling sweaty in my hands"Party B must not disclose the personal information of Party A." I frowned. Why would he think I'd sell his personal information? Who was he even? Obviously, he was rich, but so were the other billionaires around the country. What was so special about him that he had to go to lengths to prepare a contract for me?

"You can trust me on that."

I could feel his gaze on me and at the same time, I felt as if his eyes were not on me. This was humanely impossible. He didn't say anything for another moment and then dusted the cigarette on the table just on the side of the ashtray. My eyes narrowed. If he was not blind, he would've dusted the ashes in the ashtray not outside.

I tilted my head, feeling both curious and doubtful, and stepped forward. As I approached, I could see his naked chest from the side, the flesh covered with tattoos. Sneaking to the table, I eyed the gold brick and grabbed it in my palm. It was heavy. With cautious steps, I walked back to where he was sitting.

My lips stretched in a thin line and my eyes narrowed. I cautiously leaned down and waved the gold brick in front of his face. Of course, his eyes didn't waver. Either he was a great actor or I was doubting him too much. 

"Go through it," He said suddenly and I jumped startled almost knocking over the table. Placing my hand on my chest I took a deep breath. Shit! Get yourself together, Seraphina. 

When I calmed down and placed the gold brick back where it was. I slowly and carefully turned the pages of the contract.

Whatever the hell was written I couldn't even understand. Though there were words that seemed suspicious what could be written more in an employee contract? It was not like I was investing shares in his company.

"I agree." 

He smiled in satisfaction. "Sign."

My eyes flickered across the room while feeling something strange. There was a pen on the table in front of me.

I took the pen, flipping through the pages and signing wherever there was an empty spot. When I finished, I placed the contract on the table beside the ashtray. He hummed, tilting his head back and placing the cigarette between his lips. I noticed ink markings on his hand—again a scary-looking sinister serpent, its mouth parted in a snarl, lower jaw stretched over his thumb and upper jaw over the back of his hand. As he moved his thumb, it appeared the snake drawn on his hand was writhing, adding to the eerie atmosphere of the room.

"You're not Russian." I peered my eyes away from his hand and looked at his face. 

"No, I'm from Texas," I shook my head as if he could see me. Of course, I wasn't Russian. Why was he even asking after having me sign the contract? 

He hummed and dragged in a deep puff. I crinkled my nose and pressed the back of my hand under my nose. He took his time and puffed out the smoke and again dusted the ash outside the ashtray. After a while, he tilted his head as if something was going on in his head. 

"I'm curious, what would be your price?" I narrowed my eyes. 


"As my caretaker." His eyes again did that thing, piercing through me. What was asking for the price? Wasn't it already mentioned in the advertisement? 

I narrowed my eyes taking a seat at my initial position. "Whatever you see fit," I grumbled, adding a mental eye roll for good measure. Was he one of those billionaires who lured people in with money and then offered nothing but empty promises?

"That's all?" 

He asked, and I raised my chin and found him grinning, he ran his tongue over his lips. "I'll pay you the double. Но ты будешь пешкой на моей доске." 

I gulped and nodded not catching his last words. My hands were trembling. I just couldn't believe it. $20,000? In a month? I could send the money to my mother and ask her to hire someone to do her chores. She could just resign and sit at home all day, or better, she didn't even have to work.

It was more than enough for me to buy my mom peace. She would also be able to buy a house and even open a shop.

Then suddenly, he stopped smiling and lowered his head to whisper in a deadly low voice, "Ты будешь под моим распоряжением, когда я захочу, ты понимаешь?"

I blinked. Once and then again till the dreams I was weaving in my head blurred, and his dark eyes- no, pale blue with specks of greens in them with a ring of coal black surrounding his irises- pierced through me. And without realising what I was doing, I unconsciously nodded.


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